Our Timeline

Welcome to our timeline! It links together all of the articles on Baboon Clockwork. Each of the circles in the center of the timeline will take you to a post about a certain period of life if you click on the circle. Take a look at our timeline for a unique way to browse our articles.

Baboon Microbiomes and Health

“Everyone in here has a different microbiome, it’s like a fingerprint.” quoted Dr. Elizabeth Archie, a professor at the University of Notre Dame. A human’s microbiome helps the human stay healthy by doing certain jobs. An example of this process would be the gut microbiome digesting food. But what do microbiomes have to do with baboons and their health?

Continue reading “Baboon Microbiomes and Health”

Physical and Social Changes From Infancy to Adolescence and Connection to Humans

Just like every animal on Earth, baboons go through many physical changes during adolescence. These changes can be both compared and contrasted to the changes that humans go through during puberty.

Continue reading “Physical and Social Changes From Infancy to Adolescence and Connection to Humans”